What are Backlinks? All of the most detailed knowledge about Backlinks

By: Nguyen Hoai Thanh |

What are Backlinks? All of the most detailed knowledge about Backlinks

Backlink is a link that is set on another website and goes back to your website. This is an important factor in building website credibility and authority because backlinks help search engines like Google evaluate and rank your website based on quantity and quality of links from other websites to your website.

1. What are Backlinks?

Backlink is a link that is set on another website and goes back to your website. This is an important factor in building website credibility and authority because backlinks help search engines like Google evaluate and rank your website based on quantity and quality of links from other websites to your website.

2. Remarkable terms related to Backlinks:

Backlink profile: The total number of backlinks pointing to your site.
Anchor text:  It means there are keyword phrases used to contain links. When anyone clicks on the anchor text, it will be navigated to the destination link inserted in it. SEO and the rankings of certain keywords will be boosted by anchor text
Nofollow link: When a backlink is created but it has a nofollow tag, the link juice will not be transferred. Nofollow link doesn't affect and has no influence on a page's ranking as they contribute nothing.
Do-follow link: A type of link identified by the <a> tag that Google tracks and evaluates to determine a site's credibility and ranking.
Link building: This is the process of building links to increase the credibility and ranking of the website on search engines.
Domain authority: It is an indicator of the strength and reputation of a website in the market. The higher the domain industry is, the higher your sites will rank in the search results.
Page authority: Scores that measure the strength and authority of a particular page in a website.

 3. Why are backlinks important?

Increase website rankings on search results

 Backlink is one of the important factors to make website rank higher on search results of search engines like Google. When there are many backlinks from other websites, Google will evaluate your website as valuable and reputable, then placing your website higher in the search results.

Increase website traffic

 Backlinks from other websites can attract new website traffic as well as new users to your site.

Enlarge traffic and potential customers

Backlinks from reputable websites can help increase traffic to your website. When users click on your backlink and visit your website, they can become potential customers and increase your sales.
Boost brand awareness

 When there are many backlinks from reliable websites, your website will be more visible to users on the Internet that is good for increasing your brand awareness.

4. Currently popular types of Backlinks

Currently, there are many types of backlinks that are used to increase the credibility and rank of a website on search engines:

Backlinks from high-quality websites: This is the type of backlinks that you get from websites that are reputable, have quality content, and are highly rated on search engines.
Backlinks from sites in the same field: Backlinks from sites in the same field mean they are relevant to your site's content so your site's credibility and authority can be improved.
Backlinks from competitor sites: Backlinks from competitor sites can help grow your site's credibility and rankings. However, you need to be careful not to cause any competitive problems.
Backlinks from social sites: Nowadays, social networking platforms are becoming more and more popular, especially social networks such as Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, etc. These platforms have high traffic and have many users. That’s the reason why backlinks are now used a lot on these platforms. They will help increase traffic to your website quickly.
Backlinks from forum sites: Backlinks from forum sites that are related to your field can boost up your credibility and grow your site's rankings.

5. The role of backlinks in SEO:


Improve ranking

Backlinks are a crucial factor in improving a website's ranking in the search results of search engines like Google. Specifically, backlinks make your website to be seen as a trustworthy and reliable site by search engines. When another website places a link to your site, it shows that your site is valuable and trustworthy to the readers of that site. Search engines evaluate a website based on many different factors including the number and quality of backlinks to that website. Thus, a website with lots of quality and trustworthy backlinks from other websites will be ranked higher in search engine results.

Increase the ability to index quickly

Building backlinks will make crawling the web faster and easier. That also leads to the growth of keyword rankings. With new websites, backlinks will help Bot Goole access and discover your website quickly and easily index.

Increase website traffic

Backlinks help SEO implementers navigate users from one content to another. When users click on the backlink that points to your article, then your website has a visit. Therefore, if there are backlinks from a source with high traffic, your article will also get more queries.

6. Effective backlink creation strategy: 

Write quality articles on your website: Create quality and useful content on your website and place links to other websites related to your field. Make sure that your content is unique, attractive and valuable to attract other sites that want to link to you.
Guest blogging: Write posts on other sites in your field and place links to your site. However, you need to make sure that your content is quality and meets the requirements of those sites.
Link exchange: Exchange links with other websites related to your field. However, you need to choose websites that are high quality and meet the requirements of search engines.
Create viral content: Create unique, interesting and attention-grabbing content to attract natural links from other websites.
Use social networks: Use social networks to share your content and place links to your website. You need to make sure that these links are natural and not seen as spam.

7. Backlink Checker


Ahrefs: A popular SEO and backlink analysis tool that provides detailed reports on your website's backlinks.
SEMrush: A comprehensive SEO analysis tool that provides reports on backlinks, keywords and other SEO factors.
Moz Link Explorer: Moz's free tool to check backlinks, provide information on the quality of backlinks and assess their impact on your site's appearance in search results.
Majestic: A backlink analysis tool that provides reports on the quality and quantity of your website's backlinks.
Google Search Console: Google's un-paid tool to manage and monitor your website's performance in search results. It provides information about backlinks and other SEO factors.


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