Authorized Digital Sellers, or ads.txt is an IAB Tech Lab initiative that helps ensure that your digital ad inventory is only sold through sellers (such as Adsconex) who you've identified as authorized.
Creating your own ads.txt file gives you more control over who's allowed to sell ads on your site and helps prevent counterfeit inventory from being presented to advertisers.
Use of ads.txt is not mandatory, but it's highly recommended. It can help buyers identify counterfeit inventory and help you receive more advertiser spend that might have otherwise gone toward that counterfeit inventory.
If your publisher ID is missing from your ads.txt file, you can copy it from your account and add it to your ads.txt file.
1. Sign in to your Adsconex account
If your site has just been added to Adsconex, click "Verify Ownership" to find and copy the list of publisher IDs in the Verify ads.txt table.
If there's an alert on your Dashboard, click Update now to go to the Publisher ID list table (ads.txt)
2. Click Copy
Copy and paste the entire list of publisher IDs currently in the Verify ads.txt table into each of your ads.txt files.
Your ads.txt file should now appear like this:, pub-0000000000000000, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0, 13346, DIRECT, 118367, RESELLER, 5d62403b186f2ace
3. (Optional) If you’re using another ad network, remember to add that network to your ads.txt file. Contact your ad network for their ads.txt information.
4. Update ads.txt file to website.
There are various ways to add ads.txt file in Website. In this ads.txt tutorial, we will add an ads.txt file in WordPress with a plugin and without the plugin. You can opt for whichever you find suitable.
Let’s add an ads.txt file in WordPress with the help of Plugin. In this method, we will use the Ads.txt Manager plugin.
Open your Dashboard
- Step 1: Navigate to Plugins and click on Add New Plugin
To install a plugin. Hover the cursor on Plugins and click on Add New Plugin.
- Step 2: Search add.txt in the Search Bar
Go to the search bar and search ads.txt. Find the Ads.txt Manager and click on Install Now. After Installation click on Activate.
- Step 3: Navigate to Settings and click on Ads.txt
To open the ads.txt settings, you need to hover your cursor on settings and click on Ads.txt.
- Step 4: Enter the seller ads.txt Code
Enter the Certification Authority ID or ads.txt code in the box and click on Save Changes. This will create the ads.txt file.
After creating the file, you can check whether the file is created or not. You can search your URL followed by /ads.txt (
To add ads.txt file to WordPress without plugin, we need to go to cPanel to upload ads.txt file to the root directory of the website.
The root directory of a site is the directory or folder following the top level domain, e.g., (For, is the root directory or folder where you would upload your ads.txt file.)
Tip: If you're not sure where to add your ads.txt file, go to your site builder or editor for specific instructions. You can also contact your web hosting service to find out how to upload to the root directory for your sites. If you want to learn more about root directory.
- Step 1: Open your cPanel
Open the cPanel. If we have to add the ads.txt file then
- Step 2: Copy the Certification Authority ID
Click on the Copy button to copy the ads.txt code.
- Step 3: Click on File Manager
You will find numerous files and other sections here. Click on File Manager.
- Step 4: Find the public_html file and click on Upload
On the left side search the public_html folder and click on Upload.
- Step 5: Upload the ads.txt
Upload the ads.txt file here.
The file is uploaded and showing here.
This is how we can add the ads.txt file in WordPress without a plugin.
5. To verify that you published your file correctly, check if your ads.txt file's content is available. In your web browser, enter your ads.txt URL (e.g., If the ads.txt file displays in your web browser, then it's likely that Adsconex will successfully find it.